Brand Guide

Being in the IT consulting business for years, HIC Global Solutions has carved a niche for itself in the industry. Our logo is the visual identity of our brand and bears a unique representation of our brand values.

In order to maintain the sanctity of our brand and avoid any identity issues with any other brand, we have underlaid some ground rules for the design team and partners for the correct usage of the logo in all future campaigns.

We advise you to go through the document carefully while using our logo for all business purposes.

Brand Identity Guide


The guidelines in it will help us maintain graphic and message continuity, protect our logo assets, and build powerful, relevant messaging across a variety of platforms when used appropriately.


Proprietary logos, approved typefaces, the visuals we choose, and the words we use — every part of our brand is an important part of our whole brand. Thatʼs why itʼs extremely important that we use each very carefully.

Following the guidelines and rules in this style guide will help us speak with a single, influential voice to generate bold, engaging communications, build strong bonds with our audiences, and protect our brand for years to come.

Brand Voice

The mission of HIC Global Solutions is to help business realize the full potential of technology to accelerate their business growth. And our brand voice exactly reflects the same.

  • Honest
  • Transparent
  • Courteous
  • Professional
  • Helpful
We convey genuine information by keeping our Brand Tone
  • Respectful
  • Friendly
  • Informative
while maintaining integrity, equality and avoiding any exaggeration or misinterpretation.

Brand Logo Types

Representing the nature of our business, the HIC logo comprises an impression of a cloud and the company name with the tagline set in Source Sans Pro. The horizontal logo is the primary and should be used in most instances.

Please follow the instructions in the guide for the correct usage of our logo.

Correct Way To Use HIC Logo
brand prim
Incorrect Way
brand incoreect

Brand Logo Types

HIC Global Solutions, having an array of products and applications allows the logo lock to be used while affiliating with our other applications and products. It can be presented as one graphic with a specified font, formatting, spacing, and alignment.


Partnering with a third party may require us to use a co-branded logo. The logo is composed of three elements: HICʼs primary brand logo, a dividing line or “| or +”, and a third-party logo. It is important that the logos are equal in size.

Please note that we allow third parties to use our logo only after specific permissions

3 1


logo guide2
Clear Space

Everyone likes a little personal space. Our logo does too. Make sure it can breathe by reserving clear space equal to the height of the “H” on all sides.

logo guide3
Minimum Size

Don’t make people squint. In digital applications, our logo should be at least 110 pixels wide. In print, it should be at least 1.2 inches (3 cm) wide

logo guide1
Logo Primary Color
  • HEX: #1E99C4
  • RGB: R 30 G 153 B 196
  • HSL: H 195.54 S 0.73 L 0.44
  • CMYK: C 65% M 17% Y 0% K 23%

Brand Typeface

Primary Typefaces: Source Sans Pro, sans-serif



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!@#$%^&*)



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!@#$%^&*)



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!@#$%^&*)



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!@#$%^&*)


Secondary Typefaces: Open Sans, sans-serif



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!@#$%^&*)



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!@#$%^&*)



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!@#$%^&*)



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!@#$%^&*)


Brand Typeface


HEX : #149ed9

RGB : 20, 158, 217

CMYK : C 75%, M 22%, Y 0%, K 0%


HEX : #ed6aff

RGB : 237, 106, 255

CMYK : C 7%, M 58%, Y 0%, K 0%

HEX : #0080FF

RGB : 0, 128, 255

CMYK : C 100%, M 50%, Y 0%, K 0%

HEX : #4acbff

RGB : 74, 203, 255

CMYK : C 56%, M 1%, Y 0%, K 0%

HEX : #032d60

RGB : 3, 45, 96

CMYK : C 100%, M 89%, Y 34%, K 26%

HEX : #F06543

RGB : 240, 101, 67

CMYK : C 0%, M 58%, Y 72%, K 6%

Tertiary Gradients

HEX : #4acbff

HEX : #fff

HEX : #2d91cf

HEX : #fff


logo icons

General Advisories

  • Always use the typeface mentioned in the guide
  • Ensure there is some spacing between the words
  • Keep the color palette the same as in the brand guide
  • In case of a partnership, leave adequate space between the logos and separate them with a dividing line or a +
  • Please do not re-create the logo
  • Overprint or obstruct any part of the logo
  • Add any kind of special effects to the logo
  • Distribute or otherwise make available our logos, marks, or assets
  • Use old versions or any other marks or logos to represent our brand
  • Do not modify or stretch the logo
Our Location worldwide
Indian Flag India
3rd Floor, A-10, Pegasus Tower, Sector 68, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301 +91-1203117884
United States of America Flag USA
333 West Brown Deer Road Unit G – 366 Milwaukee WI, USA 53217 +1(262) 310-7818
United Kingdom Flag UK
7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR +44 20 3239 9428
Canada Canada
HIC Global Solutions INC
43 Lafferty Lane, Richmond Hill, L4C 3N8, CA +1(262) 310-7818